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Toda persona física o jurídica, debidamente registrada, que quiera ser Usuario del módulo de Agencia de Viaje del sistema de compra y reservación (SICORE) en línea del SINAC, deberá cumplir con los siguientes requisitos para acceder al respectivo módulo:
Por favor enviar los documentos solicitados y demás información al correo:
Una vez analizado los documentos enviados por su representada, se le estará notificando vía correo las credenciales con el cual podrá ingresar al Sistema e iniciar el proceso de cambio de clave y realizar las compras en línea.
Recuerde que el código es intransferible y únicamente para uso de la empresa autorizada.
Es responsabilidad de la empresa leer, comprender y aplicar los términos y condiciones en cada transacción. No hay excepciones.
1. Before starting the reservation process, you should be clear about the following:
2. Open in a separate window from your internet browser windows in incognito / inprivate mode
1. What protected wilderness areas can I buy entrance tickets for through the online reservation and payment system?
PN Volcán Poás, PN Manuel Antonio, PN Volcán Irazú: crater sector and Prusia sector, PN Braulio Carrillo: Volcán Barva sector, PN Tapantí Macizo de la Muerte, PN Tortuguero, PN Isla San Lucas, PN Chirripó, PN Volcán Tenorio, PN Rincón de la Vieja, PN Carara
2. How do I register in the system?
The following video explains the procedure for registering in the system:
3. How do I get the password for my user?
Once registered, the password will be sent to the registered email. If not received within 1 day, please email for a resend.
4. I forgot my password, what should I do?
In the "forgot my password" option, you will find instructions to recover your password.
5. The system is failing, I can't make the purchase, what can I do?
It is recommended to use the search in incognito mode and clear the cache. Send screenshots and/or videos of the error to for easier case review, including your username and associated email.
6. Do I have to arrive at the selected time for my purchase?
Yes, the time slots are to improve the flow of visitors and to avoid concentrations of tourists at the same time. If you think there will be any delay, you must inform the protected area of the situation in the contact email of the terms and conditions of purchase.
7. Does the protected wilderness area have a stay limit?
Some protected wilderness areas, due to their special characteristics, can be visited for a limited time. To know if the area you want to visit has a set time, please check the terms and conditions during ticket purchase.
8. I bought tickets, but I can't go to the Protected Wilderness Area. Can I get a refund?
No. SINAC is only responsible as stipulated in the terms and conditions accepted prior to purchase.
9. I bought tickets, but the Protected Wilderness Area closed due to an emergency. What should I do?
You can reschedule your visit by sending an email to
10. Can I bring pets to the Protected Wilderness Area?
No, pets are not allowed in the Protected Wilderness Areas.
11. Can I change the date of my ticket? Can I change the entry time of my ticket?
You must review the terms and conditions of each protected area. In the case of Chirripó NP, you must send a request to and attach the requested requirements.
12. I made a reservation, and I was double-charged on my card, what should I do?
For double charges or unauthorized charges without a reservation, always request a chargeback from your card issuer.
13. Why is my credit or debit card not working?
Check with your card issuer for the issue. For PN Manuel Antonio, due to security and control reasons, you can only make one transaction per user per day.
14. Are the protected areas open on Costa Rica's legal holidays?
Yes, unless there is a situation of risk due to weather, infrastructure, or other factors that may affect the safety of visitors. In case of a temporary closure, it will be communicated through SINAC official channels.
15. Can I pay admission to protected areas by bank transfer?
No, if the protected area is not part of the online payment and reservation system, you can purchase your ticket directly at the ticket booths in the areas, paying with a credit or debit card. The exception is Parque Nacional Corcovado and Reserva Biológica Isla del Caño, where you must pay by bank transfer after obtaining a reservation at, and PN Santa Rosa, which requires using the link:
16. Are there days in the year when admission to Protected Wilderness Areas is free?
Yes, according to decree N°16847-MAG-MEP of 1986, August 24th is National Parks Day, and admission is free for all visitors. According to tariff decree 38295-MINAE, the third Wednesday of each month is free admission only for residents and nationals.
17. What does the payment of my entrance to a protected area include?
Only admission. If you want to acquire services such as guided tours, rental of special equipment, food, transportation, or others, you must arrange it with local communities or purchase them within the protected areas through third parties.
18. If I am visiting a protected area and it is cloudy, rainy, or there are other environmental conditions that make it difficult to see or walk to attractions, can I get a refund?
No, environmental conditions are unstable in Costa Rica and within protected areas.
19. If I renewed my ID, and the tickets to the protected areas were purchased with another ID number, is there any problem?
No, you can simply inform the contact emails listed in the terms and conditions of the reservation about the modification in the system or present your expired ID along with the new one to verify your identity.
20. I made a mistake entering the ID number in the reservation, what can I do?
You should contact the contact emails listed in the reservation's terms and conditions and indicate the entered error.
21. I can't go to the protected area. Can I change the name and ID number on the reservation?
For now, it is not possible as the entry is personal.
22. Can I bring food into the protected areas?
Prepared food is allowed. However, gas stoves, grills, and fires are not allowed. Some protected areas may not allow food entry, so please check the terms and conditions of each protected area. All generated waste must be taken out of the protected area and deposited in designated disposal sites.
23. How many tickets can I buy in one transaction?
It depends on the protected area per personal user:
PN Chirripó: 4 tickets
PN Manuel Antonio: 6 tickets, one transaction per day.
Other protected areas: 10 tickets
24. If I bought a ticket for a protected wilderness area but want to change it to go to another protected wilderness area, can I do that?
No, this is not possible, as some protected areas have different rates.
25. How can I register my company to purchase tickets for different protected wilderness areas in Costa Rica?
The following video explains the procedure for registering your travel agency with a tourism declaration issued by the ICT:
26. I need to update my company's information, what should I do?
You must go through the registration process again.
27. My company still has pre-paid physical tickets, are they still valid?
Yes, they are still valid. You must coordinate in advance with the Protected Wilderness Area.
28. How many tickets can I buy in one transaction?
For legal entities (travel agencies):
PN Chirripó: maximum 4 tickets per transaction
PN Manuel Antonio: maximum 10 tickets per transaction (5 transactions allowed per day)
Other protected areas: maximum 20 tickets per transaction